Sitecore and HIPPA Roadmap

As someone who frequently works in the healthcare space HIPPA is always a pain point. We have lost a few deals because Sitecore was not compliant and other CMS systems were. In May of this year Sitecore released a roadmap of getting CDP, Personalize and XM Cloud HIPPA certified by end of year, and it … Read more

Azure Kubernetes Service Cheat Sheet

When Sitecore started moving towards Kubernetes I was pretty lost. Conceptually I understood how it worked, but when I started to actually work with sites in AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service) most of the basic tasks that took me seconds to do where no longer basic. One of the tasks was: how do I log into … Read more

Wilin’ Out With Wildcards in Sitecore

What Are Wildcards Sitecore’s URL Resolver uses the path of an Item to generate the URL. So if in sitecore we have an item: sitecore/content/<siteHomeNode>/Blogs/My First Blog The URL resolver will create the URL: https://mywebsite/blogs/my-first-blog Makes Sense, right? Right! Let’s take a look at another scenario: lets say we have a multi site instance that … Read more